Are you new to the world of hypnotherapy? Let me help you gain some clarity around what it is... and what it most definitely is not!
We can rehearse millions of times for that difficult conversation, speech or song, practice breathing techniques, develop our vocal range and receive countless vocal massages...
but if your unconscious mind believes it’s keeping you safe by putting you in a state of stress and inhibiting your voice, then willpower is not enough!
The change needs to happen on a deeper, subconscious level and that's where Hypnotherapy comes in.
In my opinion, having gained numerous years of experience voice teaching in speech and song, it is the fastest, most powerful way to facilitate a person's growth and free them of blocks and limiting beliefs.

Calm Your Nervous System
Hypnotherapy activates the parasympathetic nervous system, taking you out of 'fight or flight' mode and into the 'rest and digest' deep relaxation state in a quick, safe and easy manner.

Rewire Your Subconscious
In this Alpha or light Theta brainwave state of relaxation, we can strengthen the empowering neural pathways instead of reinforcing damaging limiting beliefs.

Welcome Pain Relief
Hypnotherapy has remarkable success in helping with pain relief and healing injuries. This includes pain associated with breast cancer, bone fractures and more - free yourself from the burden.

Addiction Support
There are a number of proven benefits for using hypnotherapy to support quitting smoking, alcohol or other addictive, harmful behaviours, such as an unhealthy relationship with food.
There are a variety of techniques used in Hypnotherapy practice to help guide you into that desired state of deep relaxation. This includes mindfulness, progressive relaxation and guided visualisation which allows your own imagination to take you exactly where you need to go.
It is not mind control, as we cannot change or suggest anything you truly don't want, but it allows you to bypass those age old voices which have been holding you back from going after your wildest dreams for years. That voice that creeps in to say "no!" as soon as you're about to take the step and follow your highest vision.
Just like cleaning your home, you need to clean your mind of clutter too and the more you use hypnosis, the deeper it goes and the longer it lasts.