Intuitive Hypnotherapy, Past Lives and Ancestral Work for creative souls ready to stand in their power.


Welcome to a world where you no longer hold yourself back, play smaller than you’d like or let 😰 fear limit you.

This is where creatives and performers come so they can stop self sabotaging, release stress, unlock tension and fulfill their soul’s real potential… 

… so they can go on to make the big moves and fearless leaps that will transform their lives.

With her gentle and unassuming essence, Katie has helped me come home to myself, and that is the greatest gift anyone can give. 

I cannot adequately express how Katie's work and gentle guidance into connection with myself is healing and enhancing my inner and outer life and relationships in revelatory ways. Feeling more embodied, I am more able to navigate conflict, to self-sooth, to rebound, and to access an inner sense of well-being. 

I feel safe and embodied in ways I had always longed for, but had never been able to maintain consistently. 

Laura Vecchione, Singer/Songwriter

Start releasing stress right away and connect to a deeper part of yourself and your truth, so you can breathe, get present and trust yourself to show up and get your voice heard!

Download your free 7 Day Download Audio. The more you listen, the deeper the shifts

… and as you you train your mind to stay calm and present, you may find yourself getting into flow state surprisingly easily and trusting yourself to show up in inspiring new ways!


"I can’t thank Katie enough for the results we’ve achieved together. She is magical.

I was really struggling with confidence in my vocal abilities and my identity as a singer - it had gotten to a point where I genuinely couldn’t enjoy singing anymore, even in my own house. The fear was too overwhelming. 

Working with Katie, I began to notice many positive changes. I no longer had fear about expressing my voice; the newfound confidence was evident in my voice. 

Now I no longer feel tied down by myself; Katie allowed me to change my thought processes and discover a new way of approaching singing and my identity as a performer."

Elliott Baker Costello, professional actor, singer, dancer

Hi, I’m Katie

I’m a Board Certified Hypnotherapist with 20 years experience teaching pro level singing & spoken voice to thousands of artists and performers, plus years of being on stage myself in venues across London and Europe. 

With a BA and two Masters degrees in music, performance and voice training, 

plus certifications in hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives … 

I’m an expert in helping artistic souls release their blocks, unlock their true creative voice, and step into their full, majestic potential!


And I’m here to ask you -- what would it mean for you to release the limits on your self-expression

Maybe you’d …

  • Deliver the performance of your life?
  • Release the tension and fear that have weighed on you for years?
  • Put that ambitious creative project you dream about into motion?
  • Smash your next big audition?
  • Network joyously?! 
  • Be wholeheartedly YOU?
  • Belt that EPIC HIGH C! 
  • Speak up powerfully and stand in your truth?

Because when you know that you’re valid and are worthy of being heard … 

You go from “I don’t think I can do this”

to …“I love this and can’t wait to share it with the world!” đŸ˜

Things that had previously stressed me out no longer seemed like a struggle, and I could deal with these stressors in healthier ways that didn’t lead to pain or tension. 

I’m a children’s book author. For years, I’d been experiencing stress and tension in my jaw, neck, and head that led to chronic pain and voice tightness. 

I really appreciated what a compassionate, attentive, and insightful guide Katie was during our sessions, and I felt that she was completely tuned into the issues I was overcoming. Her guidance enabled me to remove deeper psychological blocks that had previously been holding me back from positive transformation. 

I highly recommend Katie for hypnotherapy-- it was absolutely money well spent. She was a complete joy to work with, and thanks to her compassionate expertise, my life has changed for the better. 

Laura Resau, Writer and Speaker

I’m an expert in helping my clients strengthen the power of their

 physical voices and use them without fear…

… and I’m also an expert in helping clients unleash the power of their unique creative voices -- so they can release the psychological & spiritual blocks 

… and make the incredible contributions to the world that they’re meant to!

“KATIE CROOKS is a truly amazing, gifted, intuitive and accomplished hypnotherapist. Her voice alone can work wonders."

- Linda Glick

I’m on a mission to change how artists feel, express themselves and create. 

I know how it feels to self sabotage ... to turn down an audition because of a deep belief that it couldn't be mine... I was that person. 

Showing up to every audition feeling blocked is not fun. Trying to override that destructive self talk does not get you the gig!

I didn’t recognise my true value - in all my glorious messy ADHD, creative, intuitive and beautifully bonkers enthusiasm, UNTILL...

I cleared the energetic, subconscious and deep rooted blocks, so that I could  truly stand in my power and show up... 

With uninhibited, powerful self expression and wholeheartedly me… and it’s my life’s purpose to help you do the same.

Trust me, it’s a very liberating feeling 🙏

... and I’m here to tell you that your soul knows exactly how successful you can be. 


"I felt constant anxiety about the thought of performing and worried about how others perceived me as a musician.

I have been a professional musician for 10 years. I contacted Katie after I began experiencing performance anxiety, which was beginning to affect my job. I started to convince myself that I wasn't good enough and that no one would want to hear my music, and this affected my confidence in many aspects of my life. 

I knew instantly that she would be able to help me feel better about myself and my abilities. As I hadn't experienced hypnotherapy before, I was a little apprehensive for my first session, but she immediately put me at ease and I was able to speak freely about my worries and experiences. 

Hypnotherapy made me feel the most relaxed I'd felt for a long time and allowed me to replace tension and negative thoughts with a feeling of calm and positivity. After only a couple of sessions I felt more confident as a person and as a musician. 

I no longer feel the overwhelming anxiety about performing or allowing others to hear me sing/play. I would recommend hypnotherapy with Katie Crooks to anybody who is needing to overcome challenges whether this is music related or not."

- Emily Hall

“Wow. Katie is phenomenal, she is out of sight. She's terrific.

I had proof of it, I had a meeting last night quite late after a very full day and the first thing this colleague said was, “What have you done, you look so much softer and relaxed”. You're in a peaceful place. That was directly connected to Katie.”

- Linda Glick

✨ Ready to get in touch?✨

The truth is, too many people's creative voices have been stifled because of limiting beliefs and programming that were never theirs to begin with. 

… and when you can finally release those old limitations permanently, there is a vast world of potential ahead of you. 

When you choose to unleash your creative potential … sparks will really fly.